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Participant information

What is MRI?

MRI is short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and uses the magnetic field and radio waves for detailed imaging of body parts such as the brain and the spinal cord. There are plenty of different imaging techniques in MR research. We apply broadly 3 different types of methods:


Structural imaging - for imaging the structure of the brain and spinal cord


Functional imaging - for visualization of the activity in the brain and spinal cord


MR spectroscopy - for receiving information about the molecule concentrations in the brain and spinal cord

Can I participate?

MRI is a safe and non-invasive examination that does not require ionizing radiation such as x-rays but instead utilizes magnetic fields. The examination is performed in a strong magnetic field. Hence, metallic components must not be taken inside the MR scanner room including the following metallic implants:

- cardiac pacemakers, metallic aneurysm clips, medication pumps and cochlear implants

- certain metallic protheses 

- non-removable metallic pieces in the mouth

However, many of the above listed items are nowadays MRI compatible. If you are unsure, whether you can get scanned with your implant or not, do not hesitate to contact us. 


If you are currently pregnant we cannot scan you.


If you have any pre-existing neurological diseases other than the disease investigated in the study, you cannot participate.

How is the scan performed?

Before being able to get scanned, you will have to fill out a safety questionnaire in order to ensure your eligibility for MRI scanning and a consent form. You will be asked to remove any metallic objects (including glasses). We will provide you with suitable clothing for the MRI scan. 

Some studies might request specific preparations prior to the scan (e.g. no alcoholic intake on the previous day). For further information, please check out the study description


During the scan you will lie on a bed that can be moved inside the scanner. As the scanning process generates noises, you will be provided earplugs. 

Depending on the investigation region, we will place a device, called coil, on this body part to measure the signals. 

The operators will leave the room for the scan but remain in contact with you via a speaker system and a glass window. Additionally, you will be given an alarm bulb that can be used in case of emergency.

The total time of the scan will vary between the studies. Please find further information in the study description.

©2021 by Patrick Freund. Proudly created by Simon Schading, Tim Emmenegger, and Vasil Kecheliev

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